A two-way communication
by liz • August 27, 2012 • Faith, inspiration, Rural Ministry • 0 Comments
Prayer doesn’t have to be a formal ‘religious’ ritual uttered (only by ‘holy’ people) that many perceive it to be. It is simply a conversation. Yes – A TWO WAY communication between a transparent, honest, heart to a loving Heavenly Father. As we quiet ourselves and LISTEN WITH A CHILDLIKE TRUST for the GUIDANCE and WISDOM which can only come from our Heavenly Father, answers come. Many of us have used the phrase, ‘I’ll just sleep on it’ when unsure of which way to go.
This wisdom, the Bible says, ‘is peaceable, pure and easy to be entreated’, (easy to comply with/obey). (James 3:17) It will be accompanied by a sense of peace on the inside.
GOD’S WISDOM and HIS solutions for our personal situation are ‘spot on’, accurate and uniquely tailored to us. He (GOD HIMSELF) WHO POSSESSES all knowledge. (The Bible says He is Omniscient (ALL KNOWING). HOW MUCH MORE SURE IS GOD’S GUIDANCE than the opinion of mere man which blows about in the wind and changes from one day to the next! Numbers 23:19 says, God is not (like a mortal) man that He should lie ….He has said it and will He not do it? …. Has He not spoken and will He not make good?
God ALWAYS remains true to His intent. HIS answers do not waver or change according the fickleness of human opinion. ‘ALL His precepts are SURE (trustworthy) (Ps 111:7)
In order to POSITION ourselves to receive these ‘divine downloads’ WE HAVE A RESPONSIBILITY! HE doesn’t line up with our opinion, WE line up with HIS!
Friends, I pray today, that whatever challenge you are seeking answers to, you WILL ‘have a conversation’ with God. NOTHING is too difficult for Him. It can sometimes be that cry of, ‘God help me’ when we’ve come to the end of our own ability that gets his attention. Now that is a request He cannot refuse! Tell Him exactly how you are feeling – you may as well, He already knows it all anyhow.
Have a truly blessed day!