• Make a difference

    by  • August 27, 2012 • Faith, inspiration, Rural Ministry • 0 Comments

    I was recently pondering on what WE could all do to MAKE A DIFFERENCE in the lives of those around us. (There are many things out of our control TO change). The immediate thought that came was from Ephesians 4:32 “BE KIND TO ONE ANOTHER, tender hearted, forgiving one another, even as Christ forgave you”. Some of the biblical meanings of kind/kindness are: BENEVOLENCE, to ACT KINDLY TOWARD, HAVE MERCY UPON, to TURN TOWARD NOT AWAY FROM, BESTOW BENEFITS upon, HAVE INTEGRITY TOWARD, DO GOOD.

    Proverbs 31:26 (speaking of a virtuous wife) says, “she opens her mouth with wisdom and on her tongue is the law of kindness”. KIND WORDS ARE A POWERFUL FORCE. They can change the course of a human life! They can intercept tragedy! They can bring hope to a troubled heart and comfort those stricken by grief in seemingly hopeless situations. Proverbs 18:21 states, “life and death are in the power of the tongue”. We can encourage, uplift, strengthen and inspire others by the kindness and edification of our words, a phone call, an act of thoughtfulness, a kind smile for a stranger. (We never know what another human soul might be going through).

    Equally, we can destroy with our words – destroy another’s reputation, their sense of worth, their day or their dreams. Whose life can we make a difference in today? (Often in the busyness of life, we ignore that ‘still small voice’ within which is prompting us to ring or visit a particular person). My friends, I could write a book on the power of responding to those promptings.

    My prayer is that this year, we will be ones who will speak words of kindness, life and encouragement to one another. Imagine for a moment, what a difference it would make in our communities if WE ALL asked God to help us to have the ‘law of kindness’ upon our hearts and in our mouths today and every day!

    I pray that God Almighty Himself will watch over you, lead and guide you, comfort, encourage, heal and inspire you this year. SEEK HIM, He has the solutions to all that you face and His holy word states, “He WILL PERFECT ALL that concerns you”.


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