• The desire for inner peace

    by  • August 27, 2012 • Faith, inspiration, Rural Ministry • 0 Comments

    In these days of global uncertainty, I sense the greatest aspiration of every human heart is a desire for inner peace.

    How do we acquire lasting, genuine inner peace? Many of us have and do seek peace by dulling the angst of life with various forms of addictions, drugs and superficial band-aid measures in an effort to fill the inner void of the human spirit that was so uniquely fashioned that only Almighty God Himself through Jesus Christ could ever fill it. In my lifetime, I too have tried to fill that place with all sorts of things. I now know that the ‘peace of God which passes all (human) understanding’ is the only truly fulfilling genuine peace that can satiate our frail human longing.

    Peace is a ‘fruit of the Spirit’ (Gal 5:22). Peace means a state of rest, quietness, calmness, an absence of strife, tranquility. A sense of perfect well-being resulting in harmonious relationships between God and man, man and men, families and nations! It is experienced by a life that has allowed God’s Word to wash, adjust, transform and renew the human soul, (mind, will and emotions).

    Peace IS NOT the absence of trials and an attitude of ‘if only everything was how I would like it and am comfortable with, then I’ll have peace’. IT IS A DEPTH OF CHARACTER THAT SAYS THAT, NO MATTER WHAT CIRCUMSTANCES ARE PRESENT IN MY LIFE, I CHOOSE PEACE in the MIDST of it all. It is an active commitment to walk in obedience to God’s principles to enter that rest that comes with a clean, clear conscience promised in Hebrews Ch. 4.

    No matter what you’ve done or where you’ve been, YOU ARE NEVER ‘TOO FAR GONE’ TO RECEIVE GOD’S FORGIVENESS AND LOVE. No matter how much of a failure or how bad you think you are, when you come before your Heavenly Father with an open, humble transparent heart, offering no excuses but acknowledging your failures and confessing them to Him and genuinely asking for His forgiveness and help, the Bible says, ‘He is faithful and just to forgive us of ALL our sin and to cleanse us from ALL unrighteousness. (1 Jn 1:9)

    GOD UNDERSTANDS HUMAN FRAILTY! Take King David for example – the Bible describes him as ‘a man after God’s own heart’. This man is a hero of the faith, mighty and distinguished, yet in an idle, morally weakened moment allowed his eyes to wander to another man’s wife. Not only did he actively meditate on how he might possess her, but arranged an elaborate plan to have her husband killed in battle! Bathsheba’s husband was one of his most highly valued and courageous warriors on the front line of battle. (‘Hard to come back from’ you might say)?


    Mighty man of God that he was, David was only too happy to conceal his sin until confronted. How often in our times do we see prominent examples of this. An attitude of ‘sorry I got caught’ rather than a gut wrenching ‘sorry I broke your heart Lord and the hearts of the ones I loved the most’ by my deliberately sinful decisions and actions.

    The only way to enter that ‘perfect peace’ is to genuinely and sincerely get on your knees  and ask for forgiveness, turn 180 degrees in the opposite direction with God’s enabling grace, make it right with those you have so deeply hurt and purpose in your heart to never re-offend again!

    ‘Too hard’ you might say? My friends, I guarantee, GOD’S GRACE, (His undeserved favour and ability), IS SUFFICIENT TO DELIVER, (set us free), from ALL unrighteousness, (evil). HIS GRACE ENABLES US TO BE OVERWHELMED AND SATURATED with FORGIVENESS, LOVE AND PERFECT PEACE WHICH SURPASSES ALL NATURAL COMPREHENSION!

    I pray this message will take root deep in your heart today and that you would practically apply it without delay in your own life situation. Make that phone call to put things right that you have long been avoiding! It is never too late and the release from a suffered injustice and long held grief in another’s heart can be healed today because of your obedience! So much can be put right in one day! I passionately believe God is moving quickly across this Nation, doing a ‘quick work’ in those who will humble themselves and courageously dare to seek ways to put things right and obey His principles. ‘Be DOERS of the Word, not hearers only, deceiving yourselves’. (James 1:22)

    You’ll be amazed at the freedom, joy and peace that will engulf and overwhelm your soul and how clean, free and truly fulfilling your life can become, not matter what your present circumstances.

    May the rich blessing and favour of God be upon every aspect of your life as you embrace and apply this powerful Biblical principle! Remember, GOD IS STANDING BY WITH ARMS OUTSTRETCHED, waiting to receive you.


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